Wicomico County Courthouse

Had a truly great time this evening on a downtown photo-walk with the guys from Uptown Photography.  This is one of my favorite shots from the evening.  In it, you can see one of the guys gazing up at the front of the Courthouse.  What you can’t see is that he was firing a flash for me, lightening of the upper center section of the building’s facade.  We took this shot a few times, playing with the light until we captured this image.

I picked up a lot of tips, and just had an all-round fantastic time talking photography and shooting together.   

2 thoughts on “Wicomico County Courthouse

  1. At first we were really trying to keep him out of the shot, but then I noticed he was in one and I liked it. I enjoy how he is not really noticeable and might not even be seen until a second look is taken. It is fun to try to throw something into a picture like that, just a little something extra, maybe unexpected.

    Thanks Pip!

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